Race Dashboard
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The Race Dashboard in RUFUS Race Manager (RRM) allows users to manage and monitor key aspects of each race, including setting the start time and activating or deactivating passing analysis. More features in the form of widgets are to come, enhancing the dashboard's functionality. This article provides an overview of the current features available in the Race Dashboard.
The Race Dashboard enables users to enter or modify the start time for a race.
Once the desired start time and date are entered, the user should press the Apply button to confirm the settings.
The passing analysis toggle allows race organizers to control whether participant passings are being processed for a race. When the passing analysis is enabled, the Race Clock will begin showing the race time. If the race start time is set for a future time, the race clock will display a countdown to the start of the race.
RACE_CLOSED: Any passing that occurs while passing analysis is disabled will be assigned the status RACE_CLOSED.
TIME_INVALID: Any passing that occurs while the race is still in countdown (i.e., before the race start time) will be assigned the status TIME_INVALID.
It is important to understand that the system always performs race classifications when requested, meaning that modifying the race start time after passings have been acquired will recalculate the race times for all participants. This feature is particularly useful when the exact race start time is not initially known. In such cases, users can leave the start time at 0:0:0 with the current date, and then update it when the actual start time is known.
As with other dashboards, more widgets and features are yet to come to the Race Dashboard. These upcoming widgets will display relevant information about the race, including timing efficiency, race statistics, time correction options, and last participant passings.
The Race Dashboard in RUFUS Race Manager is a crucial tool for managing the start time and passing analysis of a race. By understanding how to effectively set the start time and control the passing analysis, race organizers can ensure the accuracy of race timing and participant tracking. Upcoming features will further enhance the capabilities of the Race Dashboard, providing even more insights and control over race management.