Viewing Race Results
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Last updated
The Race-Result View in RUFUS Race Manager (RRM) provides users with comprehensive access to the calculated race results for each race. This view is designed to give users an in-depth look at participant rankings, timing, and performance metrics for a specific race.
Results Grid: The results are presented in an interactive grid that offers several useful features similar to other grids in RRM, such as searching, filtering, and grouping. This makes it easy to locate specific participants or to generate classifications by various criteria such as gender or age group.
Rankings: The Race-Result View displays three main types of rankings for each participant:
Global Rank: The overall position of a participant compared to all other participants.
Gender Rank: The position of a participant within their gender category.
Age Group Rank: The position within the defined age group category.
Export Options: Users have the option to export the results in both PDF and CSV formats. This feature is particularly useful for sharing results with participants, event organizers, or for further analysis and reporting.
Participant Information: The results grid includes detailed information about each participant, including:
Bib Number: The unique identifier for each participant.
Name and Last Name: The participant's full name.
Gender and Age Group: Demographic information used for specific rankings.
Country: The country represented by the participant.
Racetime: The total time recorded for the race (based on the segment marked as the "Race order segment").
Pace: Calculated as minutes per kilometer for running events or other discipline-specific metrics.
Group and Filter: The grouping and filtering options are useful for viewing results by specific categories. For example, users can quickly filter the results to see only the rankings for a specific age group or gender, providing a focused view of the competition.
Real-Time Updates: As classifications in RRM are generated each time they are requested, users can modify participant information, add or delete passings, or even adjust the race's start time without affecting the integrity of the results. This means that all changes are reflected dynamically in the Race-Result View, allowing for accurate and up-to-date classifications at any time.
Detailed Reporting: While the current export options include PDF and CSV formats, more detailed reporting and formatting options will be introduced in future updates. These features will help users generate custom reports and gain deeper insights into participant performance and race metrics.
Once the event is in PUBLISHED status you can allow participants, spectators, and organizers to view real-time results online as they happen. To publish a race result simply go to the race results tab and press the cloud icon!
To publish race results simply go to the race tab and press the cloud icon next to the page header.
Valid Passings Only: Only participants with a VALID passing for the final checkpoint are included and displayed in the results view.
Segment Times: Currently, segment times are not visible in this grid. This feature will be added in a future release, allowing users to view all segment times in the results view. For now, the only segment shown here, as a Racetime, is the segment marked as the "Race order segment" when defining the segments for the race.
Podiums Widget: The podiums widget will also be available in this view in future updates, making it easier for users to see the podiums for the race. The podium widget will show the top 3, 5, or 10 participants (configurable) for each gender and age group defined.
The Race-Result View is an essential tool for managing and analyzing race outcomes, providing flexibility and depth in how users interact with and present race data.