Import Participants from List
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RUFUS Race Manager (RRM) provides the ability to import participants in bulk using a CSV file, making it convenient for managing large-scale events. This guide will walk you through the process of importing participants from a list using the Import Participants modal.
To begin importing participants, navigate to the Participants Menu located on the left-hand side of the RRM interface. In the Add Participants section, click the "Import from List" button. This will open the Import Participants modal, where you can upload your CSV file and configure importation parameters.
The importation process is divided into three main steps:
Upload CSV File: In the Import Participants modal, click the upload area labeled "Upload CSV Files" to select your CSV file from your computer. The uploaded file should contain all relevant participant information such as names, bib numbers, chip codes, and any other required details.
Select Race to Import: Before proceeding, use the dropdown menu to select which race the participants should be added to.
Tip: Ensure your CSV file is formatted correctly before uploading. Include column headers for better organization and easier parameter configuration.
Once the CSV file is uploaded, you will see the list of participants in a grid format. You will need to configure the import settings to ensure data is imported correctly:
Are Column Headers Available?: Toggle this switch if your CSV file contains column headers. This helps RRM recognize the fields and map them accordingly.
Match Columns with Data: RRM will display the columns in your CSV file, such as Bib Number, Chip Code, Lastname, Name, Gender, and Country. Ensure these columns are correctly matched with the participant data fields in RRM.
Date of Birth Format: You can select the format of the Date of Birth (DOB) in the CSV file.
Once you have configured the import settings and matched data to columns, in this last step, you can check that the data is correctly recognized before importing.
Import: Once all parameters are checked, click the "Import" button to finalize the import.
Consistent Formatting: Use consistent formatting across all columns in your CSV file to ensure a smooth import process. For example, ensure gender values (e.g., M, F) match the Gender Mapping settings in RRM for consistency.
Country Format: If the country information for participants is in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format (e.g., US, ES), RRM will automatically detect it and display the corresponding flag in the grids, making it visually easier to identify participant locations.
Backup Existing Data: If you plan to use the Make a Fresh Import option, consider backing up your existing participant data to avoid accidental data loss.
Avoid Duplicates: Make sure bib numbers and chip codes are unique across the event. Duplicates can cause issues with race timing and participant identification.
The Import Participants feature in RUFUS Race Manager streamlines the process of adding multiple participants to your event, saving time and effort, especially for large-scale races. By following the steps outlined in this guide and configuring import settings correctly, you can ensure accurate and organized participant data for a successful event.