Upcoming Features

The RUFUS Race Manager (RRM) is continuously evolving to meet user needs. Here is a brief overview of some of the upcoming features that will enhance the capabilities of RRM:

Automatic Age-Group Generation

Effortlessly categorize participants into the correct age groups, simplifying race setup and classification.

Import Backup Files

Support for importing backup files in various formats, ensuring data recovery and migration is smoother than ever.

Participant Import from XLS

Easily import race participants directly from Excel spreadsheets, saving time and reducing errors during registration.

Race and Event Widgets

Enhance your event experience with interactive widgets, providing real-time data visualization for better management.

Advanced Filters

Quickly sort and manage participant data with enhanced filtering options, allowing users to easily locate specific information.

Team Cups

Support for team competitions, allowing users to organize and track team results, adding a new level of engagement to events.


Efficiently manage participant groups for events. Useful for team events or grouping participants by clubs, organizations, or custom-defined categories.

Custom Fields

Add custom fields tailored to your event requirements, enhancing participant information management and making data collection more flexible.

Time Visualization

Visual tools to analyze and present timing data, allowing users to better understand race flow, checkpoint performance, and participant progress.

Last updated