Starting and Stopping a Timing Session

The CloudBox provides multiple ways to start and stop a timing session, allowing for flexibility in how events are timed. Whether through the CloudBox Interface, hardware buttons, TCP socket commands, or through the IoT service, the system ensures accurate and efficient session management. Additionally, the CloudBox handles various internal processes to ensure the timing data is saved, transmitted, and available for review.

In this article, we will explore the various ways to start and stop a timing session, the internal processes that occur during these actions, and the commands that are affected during a session.

Ways to Start a Timing Session

  1. Via the CloudBox Interface:

    • The most common way to start a timing session is by pressing the START READS button in the CloudBox web interface. This action begins the session, enabling the CloudBox to start reading and transmitting RFID tag data.

  2. Using the Start Button on the CloudBox:

    • Pressing the Start Button on the physical CloudBox also initiates a timing session. This is useful in scenarios where access to the web interface is not immediately available.

  3. Via TCP Socket Command:

    • You can also start a session through a TCP socket connection by sending the START command. This method allows for integration with external systems or custom applications that control the CloudBox remotely.

  4. Through the IoT Service:

    • If the CloudBox is connected to the Cloud Service, a session can also be initiated remotely from the cloud. This allows race managers to start sessions from anywhere with internet access, without physically interacting with the device.

Internal Processes During Session Start

When a timing session starts, several key operations are triggered within the CloudBox to ensure data accuracy and reliability:

  1. Session Creation in the Cloud:

    • The CloudBox connects to the Passing Ingestion service, creating a new session that logs all incoming timing data. This ensures real-time tracking and cloud-based storage for post-event analysis.

  2. Backup File Creation:

    • A local backup file is created on the CloudBox, ensuring all passings are saved even if internet connectivity is lost. This file is essential for data integrity and recovery.

  3. Data Transmission to TCP Clients:

    • Any connected TCP clients will start receiving real-time timing data (passings). The CloudBox transmits the tag reads to all clients connected via TCP.

  4. Counter Reset:

    • All session-related counters (e.g., passings count) are reset to zero to ensure accurate data collection for the new session.

  5. Buzzer Activation:

    • The CloudBox will emit a start signal via the buzzer to notify race officials or timing personnel that the session has begun.

  6. LED Indicator Changes:

    • The Start LED on the CloudBox changes to blue to visually indicate that a timing session is in progress.

Possible Responses After Starting a Session:

  • START_MODE: Indicates that a session has already started.

  • READERNOTOK: The RFID reader is not detected.

  • DEVICE_INTEGRITY_FAILED: The CloudBox integrity check failed.

  • INVALIDREADERMODEL: The connected reader model is unsupported.

  • ERRREADER: There’s an issue with the reader.

  • ERRCONNECT: Error connecting to the reader or network.

  • OK: The session started successfully.

Commands Affected During a Timing Session

Once a timing session is active, the majority of configuration commands are ignored to avoid disruptions during the session. Commands that cannot be executed during a session include:

  • Reader configuration commands (SETREADERPORT, SETREADERMODEL): You cannot change the reader’s port or model during a session.

  • IP address changes (CHANGESYSTEMIPADDRESS): Network changes are blocked to ensure continuous connectivity.

  • Date/time sync changes (SETSYSTEMTIME, SETDATETIMESYNC, CHANGETIMEZONE): Any changes to time-related settings are ignored.

  • System shutdown and restart commands (SHUTDOWN): The system cannot be shut down or restarted during a session.

These commands will return a START_MODE response, indicating that they cannot be executed while a session is active.

Ways to Stop a Timing Session

  1. Via the CloudBox Interface:

    • To stop a timing session, press the STOP button in the CloudBox interface. This ends the session and initiates the data-saving processes.

  2. Using the Stop Button on the CloudBox:

    • Pressing the Start Button again on the CloudBox will stop the session, making it a quick way to end a session without accessing the web interface.

  3. Via TCP Socket Command:

    • Send the STOP command through the TCP socket connection to remotely stop the session.

  4. Through the IoT Service:

    • The session can also be stopped remotely through the Cloud Service, giving race managers control over the session from anywhere with internet access.

Internal Processes During Session Stop

Stopping a timing session triggers several operations to ensure the safe storage and transmission of the session’s data:

  1. Cloud Session Closure:

    • The active session on the Passing Ingestion service is closed, finalizing the race data for cloud storage.

  2. Queue Cleanup:

    • Any remaining passings in the data queue are processed and sent to connected clients before the system stops reading tags.

  3. Buzzer Activation:

    • The stop signal is emitted via the buzzer to alert personnel that the session has ended.

  4. Global Counter Update:

    • The global passings counter is incremented, ensuring that cumulative data for all sessions is maintained.

  5. LED Indicator Changes:

    • The Start LED returns to red, indicating that the session has ended and the CloudBox is no longer reading tags.

Possible Responses After Stopping a Session:

  • READERNOTOK: The RFID reader is not detected or disconnected.

  • INVALIDREADERMODEL: The connected reader model is unsupported.

  • ERRREADER: There’s an issue with the reader.

  • ERRCONNECT: Error in network connection.

  • OK: The session stopped successfully.


Starting and stopping a timing session on the CloudBox is flexible, with multiple methods available to initiate and conclude sessions. Whether you use the interface, hardware buttons, TCP commands, or the IoT service, the CloudBox handles all internal processes to ensure data integrity and transmission to connected clients. During an active session, most configuration commands are blocked, and key indicators like the Start LED and buzzer provide real-time feedback on the session's status. By understanding how to manage sessions, you can ensure smooth and reliable timing for any event.

Last updated